READ: Mountain Challenge 3

Read Part 2

The light was dying before Aleyku came close to the summit. His paws were numb from vaulting drifts of snow, the pain in his haunches a constant companion now, and sleep was almost a solid thing pulling him toward the ground. He shook himself awake and raised his head to the Moon, majestic and full: just one last tower of rock obscured its surface. The Moon was his ally, calling to him not to quit, to climb that last height, sing to Her one last time.

Then I can lay down to sleep.

Aleyku savored his victory over the dragon, Varas. Through his exhaustion, a strong pride lingered. Aleyku relished his victory, won by the strength in his old but not yet frail limbs and sealed in a split-second of cunning.

If only there was someone to share it with. Aleyku froze when something tickled the scruff of his neck -from the inside. Then a distant rumble echoed up the mountain, followed closely by the dragon’s own victory cry as it gained its freedom.

I come for you, Aleyku.

Aleyku whined, confused, despairing. The dragon was too powerful to outrace again, especially on legs exhausted from their last gambit. And, though it was young, he knew his opponent would not be fooled again.The Moon. Aleyku spurred himself faster towards the peaks in the hopes that the night and snow would slow Varas’ search just long enough.

He growled as the pain in his back leg grew worse, and hid from it in happy memories of family. Lovely Ursa, lifemate. Chetan, his firstborn, fiercest and wisest of all the children of the pack. He knew it was only right he’d been challenged, that a younger, stronger wolf now protected all those Aleyku loved. All that Aleyku had lost. He knew it, but couldn’t accept it.

Why must it be this way?

Barely half the way up that final peak, Aleyku heard the clap of dragon wings, and knew his race was lost. He snarled, cursing that last shelf of rock that seemed to stab at the heart of the eternal Moon, and then cursed the harsh codes that had exiled him from all he loved in order that they might thrive. Finally, with the claps of giant wings coming closer and louder, he cursed the cruel world that pitted an old wolf – not ready for death, nor for the loneliness that was left of his life – against a solitary dragon that would destroy anything that dared share its world.

Eyes wet from more than the chill, Aleyku sat in the snow and waited.

The ground shook when Varas landed close behind, but Aleyku kept his gaze on the imperfect Moon. A heavy footstep fell, then came the leathery crackle of wings furling and unfurling. The heat of the dragon’s massive body warmed Aleyku’s snow-crusted fur, but nothing touched his mind, and no final blow fell. Was the dragon nervous?Don’t be afraid of an old wolf, Varas,he called.I’ve no tricks left.

Varas laughed, but it was a shadow of his earlier glee. There could be no other outcome, foolish animal. Why would you seek this death? Varas’ mental touch was thoughtful now, almost reverent. Aleyku decided he’d been right, that the dragon had never known any thoughts but a dragon’s, let alone one he’d been bested by.

Aleyku had always hated waiting.Why else would the proud beast put off the kill I robbed him of before?

Varas wouldn’t be deterred. You are strong enough and fast enough to catch stupid rabbits, or even fish in the stream if it came to that. With cunning enough to thrive for seasons more. Why fight so hard for death?

Aleyku lifted one paw, licking at an age-cracked pad.Without a pack to share the catch, or to warm my side on cold nights? That’s no life, to me.

Another heavy foot smashed down in frustration close behind. Snow and pulverized stone sprayed Aleyku. If passing your days alone is such pain, why not simply show me your throat in our first meeting!

Aleyku’s eyes pored over each ripple of shadow and light on the brightening Moon, and wondered distantly at Varas’ confusion.I love every scent left to my fading nose, every changing leaf yet to fall before my dulling eyes, but succumbing in challenge is a better end than dying alone.

The dragon roared in anger, but like the laughter before it, this sound too was curiously empty. I don’t desire your end. I only wanted you to run from my domain!

Aleyku cocked its head at the Moon, in search of some angle, some view he had not yet feasted on in his lifetime. Such a lonely domain.Why live on this rock alone? To me, without another to share your prize it seems a prison, at best a beautiful place to die.

Dragons do not share, animal.The ground shook again as Varas sat beside Aleyku, quizzically following the wolf’s raised snout to the Moon above. Every dragon must fight to carve out their domain, must fight to keep it. I will shield these lands with my blood each day of my life. It is an honor to claim such a majestic peak for my home.

Aleyku watched his breath rise across the Moon. But who will know this honor?

You know, wolf, and I will remember the lesson you have taught me, and honor you for it. The thoughts dimmed, colored with regret as they settled in Aleyku’s mind.

But I am dragon, and you must pay for your trespass.

Read Part 4

Serialized Ficion Aventures